четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

cancer of the vena cava

This is an update that is long past-due. This summer, I had the opportunity to take a week long Globus bus tour out west. On this trip, I visited the grand Canyon, Bryce canyon, The Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore, and Las Vegas. It was an amazing trip, and I will remember it for years to come. I had review for Interior design, and did not make it in, unfortunately. I began a lightning fast process to get into the Business school at FSU, despite the hurdles of a hurricane and paperwork problems, and am now midway through my first sememster in the college of business. The classes are good, but a lot of work. I am now in the SIFE group on campus, and in the Pride Student Union. I have my close friends from last year, and am still trying to make more..its an ongoing process, and I have met some wonderful people. The drama from last year is pretty well gone, and i feel as though a cloud has lifted and I can see the sun again On my faith journey, I am doing well. I went back to UCT after they had a pastor issue, and it seems to be resolved. I attend St. Paulapos;s UMC for traditional worship three sundays a month at 11, UCT at 9 every sunday, and First presbyterian Church downtown one sunday a month for their 10:45 traditional service (Its a great musical experience, lead by their choirmaster and organist Dr. Michael Corzine). All three are relatively progressive churches, without a political adgenda, which is important to me. Church is a place for social action, not politicizing. On politics, I have made my decision regarding my presidential choice. I cannot in good conscience vote for a candidate who is not going to invest in alternative energy to the degree that we need. I also think we need a president who is committed to changing some policies, and sticking it to CEOs and corporations whose lending practices have derailed our economy and possibly my job future. Mccain just dosenapos;t seem up to the task, and his vp is clueless. I also cannot vote for someone who is categorically opposed to civil unions or benefits for the LGBT community in terms of healthcare and legal status. Comments from sarah Palin on this issue make me cringe. Is this extreme to point this issue out? I donapos;t think so. You try dealing with people who wonapos;t accept or recognize your rights, and then Iapos;ll listen. I am proud to support Barack Obama. I have completed a training session, and workout mapping process this semester. The goal is to tone up and lose about 20 pounds of fat. I am working out with a friend who has the opposite problem: the need to build up and gain definition. Overall, a good semester so far. Thanks for listening
cancer of the vena cava, cancer of the uterus lining, cancer of the urethra, cancer of the tonsils symptoms.

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